Ever heard about jet surfing ? If not, let me introduce you to one of the coolest inventions that has brought a lot of joy to the fans of watersports: the JetSurf. One surf board to rule them all.

Back in 2008, Martin Sula and his team put their efforts into making a more awesome way to ride and to bring to life the idea of an engine-powered surfboard. They succeeded and, thanks to their genius, we now have the JetSurf, a high-tech motorized board made from carbon fibre that reaches a speed of 57 km/h.

[adsense300gray]The JetSurf is available in three flavors, the Ultra Sport model for beginners or regular riders that reaches a top speed of 48 km/h and comes in one model layout. The second one is the Factory version which comes in three model layouts and is also designed for all kinds of surfers, even for noobish ones, reaching 55 km/h. Last, but not least is the Pro Race model, which is made for pro-riders, comes in three versions and reaches 57 km/h. These speeds are really something if you come to think that you’re rollin’ on water and let a fancy board do the job and carry you away.

I don’t know about you, but even if I’m kind of a couch potato, I’d definitely buy something like that or at least rent one, because the idea of riding this JetSurf thingy is just way too awesome not to try it for at least… I don’t know, one hundred times in a lifetime ?

