There’s a new study out there. US Army-conducted research reveals that there is in fact a best time to have coffee. Most people (including me) will take on a second, third or seventh cup of coffee when their energy runs low. Thus, if you’re like me, then there is no wrong time for coffee. However, sometimes is better to have coffee rather than not.

When’s the best time for coffee?

Well, given that the research was conducted by the US military, we don’t really get access to all the data. Fortunately, some of the findings are published in the Journal of Sleep Research – just in case you’re an avid bookworm.

There is no best time for everyone. According to the study, it is possible to drink the least amount of coffee and get the highest level of alertness. However, the time and amount differs depending on one’s sleep habits, activity, physique. In short, tell me how much you slept last night and I will tell when you should have coffee.

The results

Researchers taking part in the study have come to the conclusion that army personnel participating in the trials got their alertness up to a staggering 64%. The increase is happening without any extra caffeine intake. Things get even better. With proper dosage and timing, it appears that it is possible to maintain peak alertness while drinking 65% less coffee.

Try it yourself

Senior author Jaques Reifman, director of the DoD Biotechnology High Performance Computing Software Applications Institute at the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command in Fort Detrick, Maryland states that the algorithm is ready to be integrated in the existing online tool, 2B-Alert. You can use the tool to create your own estimates according to your sleep schedule. Try it out!

„What if I enjoy drinking coffee?” Well then, this round’s on us!
