[adsense300gray]Here comes another cool gadget for iPhone or iPad users. God must love Apple, mark my words! Well, The Impossible Instant Lab is the ultimate toy if you’re passionate about photography. The gadget is designed to harbor perfectly your iPhone or iPad inside its guts, and use it in a professional manner, as an old school Polaroid,  or something, without the use of complicated settings, controls, buttons and the like. With this gizmo, you can immortalize your favorite pictures taken with your iPhone, instead of burying them in some folder. Basically, with the Impossible Instant Lab you will be able to print a hard copy of your favorite picture in two shakes of a lamb’s tale. Obviously, it’s not necessary for that picture to be taken with your phone, all you have to do is to download it to your iPhone and place it on the Instant Lab. This interesting gadget uses an actual photo film for printing your pictures, hence the quality of your hard copies is way superior to a regular photo printer.

There is also a dedicated iOS app delivered with the package that gets you through the whole process and takes care of the fine tuning, and voila, you’re practically Andy Warhol, all you need is an Apple product and this Instant Lab thingy.

The Impossible Instant Lab

The Impossible Instant Lab 4

Impossible Instant Lab

The Impossible Instant Lab 1The Impossible Instant Lab 2

