With it being mainly a uni-functional item, you wouldn’t believe a flashlight can have a fun design or be too interesting – but you would be wrong. Flashlights, just like Swiss knives, can make great gifts for your adventure-seeking buddies. There are lots of innovative designs out there that are not only pretty, but also feature new methods of doing what it has to do – provide enough light to search for your cat under the bed, or keep you safe in the woods.

[adsense300gray]The Sphelar Solar Flashlight, although on the expensive side, harnesses the sun’s power by using micro-spherical solar cells, thus is eco-friendly and you don’t have to worry about running out of batteries. The small cells are distributed around the handle of the flashlight, receiving light from all directions and maximizing the amount it gathers. The light it absorbs allows it to work for up to four hours.

The look of the Sphelar Flashlight is a result of the combined efforts of a creative collective consisting of an architect, a product designer, a carpenter, a furniture craftsman, an artist, and a chef. The multidisciplinary team came up with the overall look and also the wooden base that keeps the item steady as it charges. 
