
So the warm weather is here and you want to be with your friends and have some cold beers, but you don’t always know when  your friends are actually drinking? With this new product you will know every time when one of your friends cracks open a bottle with the Smart Bottle Opener. Nobody should drink alone.


BOx is a smart and stylish bottle opener that has a smart board which syncs itself via WiFi to the app you install on your phone, and so every time you open up a bottle, the BOx app will share that information with your friends. The opener is powered by an AAA battery which will last you for about a year, so you don’t need to worry about charging it or how long it would last if you take it on a camping trip with you. Of course, you still need an internet connection.


It is made from solid wood and stainless steel, materials that ensure a good looking and high quality product. The ergonomic design makes it super easy to use. You can open a bottle with just one hand. BOx will also keep you updated on how many bottles you’ve opened so that you will remember the most important thing – never drink and drive.


All you need to do is select a group of friends that you would like to share beers with from your favourite chat platform and the “SmartCheer” algorithm will keep your friends updated on how many bottles you have opened so far. You can set the automatic mode on or you can approve of the information being shared and give it a final OK before it goes out.

If you want to enjoy your drinks, they should be shared with your friends and the BOx will make sure that it happens.
