Shannon Sharpe may have left the NFL over 20 years ago, however, the three-time Super Bowl winner turned commentator still trains like a beast and it shows. Sharpe just uploaded a picture of his huge body to celebrate his 54th birthday, which would be remarkable for a man half his age.

Sharpe captioned it: „The front & back of your favorite Unc celebrating his 54th bday. Yes, unc turned 54 today. Had I not told you my age. You prob wouldn’t have guessed it. Now that I’m telling you, you prob don’t believe it. Happy Bday to everyone celebrating a bday today & Cancer’s rule the world.”

Sharpe no longer trains on the field, but his exercise regimen has remained rigorous. He frequently posts videos on YouTube and participates in fitness challenges on social media to show off his workouts.

This is what he claimed in a video of himself doing out in his home gym while under quarantine: „When I’m done with this exercise, I’m not gonna say, ‘Man I wish I could have done five more reps, or I could’ve done this.”

„If you can do that, you didn’t work hard enough. You should empty the tank… You should feel like you ate your lungs, your heart is just pounding through your chest.” Sharpe mentioned.

In an interview he gave to Men’s Health in 2018, he provided further details on his training strategy, stating: „I tell people when I train I don’t do a Hansel and Gretel workout… I don’t drop breadcrumbs. I saved nothing for the trip home.”

“They say that insanity is doing something over and over again, but expecting different results,” he also mentioned. „I do the same thing over and over for the same result to be healthy and happy at the end of the day.”

We are glad to see Shannon Sharpe celebrating his birthday in such an amazing tone and shape.
