When Hollywood stars Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney bought Wrexham AFC, a Welsh football club, they promised to bring success to the team. And they did just that – Wrexham has been promoted to the National League! As a result, the actors received a six-figure bonus from the club, making their investment even more profitable. Let’s take a closer look at this exciting news.

Wrexham’s Promotion Pays Off: Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney Get Six-Figure Bonus!

Wrexham’s promotion to the National League has paid off in more ways than one. Not only did the team secure a higher position in the football hierarchy, but it also brought a financial reward to the club’s owners, Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney. The duo reportedly received a six-figure bonus for their investment in Wrexham, proving that success on the field can translate to success off the field.

This news is a testament to the commitment that Reynolds and McElhenney have shown to Wrexham. They have been actively involved in the club’s operations, attending games and making decisions that have helped the team reach its full potential. The bonus is a recognition of their hard work and dedication to the club, and it sets a precedent for how owners should be rewarded for their contributions to the sport.

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Hollywood Stars Strike Gold with Wrexham’s Rise to Glory!

The rise of Wrexham is a story of perseverance and determination, and it is a perfect match for Hollywood stars Reynolds and McElhenney. The actors have shown that they are not afraid of taking risks, and that they are willing to put their money where their mouth is. Their investment in Wrexham has paid off handsomely, both in terms of financial gains and personal satisfaction.

Reynolds and McElhenney’s enthusiasm for Wrexham has also brought attention to the club and the town. The duo’s involvement has put Wrexham on the map, and has made it a destination for football fans around the world. This is a remarkable achievement for a small Welsh town, and it is a testament to the power of sport and the impact that it can have on people’s lives.

In conclusion, Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney’s six-figure bonus for Wrexham’s promotion is a feel-good story that shows the magic of football and the power of teamwork. The duo’s investment has paid off in more ways than one, and it is a testament to their commitment to the sport and the people of Wrexham. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this dynamic duo and their beloved football club.

Source: LadBible
