If you haven’t had your daily dose of gorgeous women yet, allow us to introduce you to one of the most beautiful young actresses that have made their way to the big screen in the first half of 2014. Her name is Nicola Peltz and while you may recognize her from Transformers: Age of Extinction, her work includes a few other films that show off her natural beauty and talent.

Nicola got noticed at a young age when she began modelling, but soon found herself enjoying drama lessons more than anything and convinced her mother to hire an agent when she was just 12. Unfortunately, the first years of her career were not especially exciting and she was even nominated for „Worst Supporting Actress” at the 31st Golden Raspberry Awards for her role as Katara in The Last Airbender. Three years later, things started picking up, with Nicola getting a part in Bates Motel, the Psycho-inspired horror series. The biggest step in her career was, of course, her role in the 4th sequel of Transformers, released in June of this year, where she played Tessa Yeager, the daughter of a robotics expert, who runs for her life and together with her father tries to uncover the dirty deedsĀ behind the mission to destroy every last alien robot on Earth.


The blockbuster definitely put Nicola in the spot light, but the latest film that she features in, Affluenza, has not yet received the same appreciation. In Affluenza she is portrayed as an extremely wealthy young girl who, together with her unsupervised and equally rich friends, leads a life of casual sex and plentiful drugs and alcohol. Ironically, the picture probably resembles in many ways to her real life since Nicola is in fact the daughter of a New York billionaire and philanthropist. Unlike in the movie, though, the 19-year old is very close to her family and she even shares photos of them on social media, as she is a self-proclaimed „daddy’s girl”.

Another fun fact about Nicola is that at one point in her life she actually envisioned herself playing ice hockey professionally, a plan which she was encouraged to follow by her father. Fortunately, life’s mysterious ways brought her onto the big screen for us to enjoy, or otherwise we most likely would have never found out about her existence. We really like watching her, with hope that she chooses her future parts carefully so that 2014 won’t be the last year we ever hear of the beautiful Nicola Peltz. You can follow her on instagram.

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