Heartbreaks aren’t to be taken lightly, period. When you are getting involved into a relationship beyond the casual dating level, your brain becomes wired to that particular someone. It becomes used to see, hear and feel that someone and takes it as a normal occurrence.

When suddenly, these data isn’t received anymore due to a breakup, your mind and body go into a swirl. It gets even worse when your significant other cheats on you.


Here are a few tips on how to start living again after being cheated.

Push through emotional pain

And although it mentally hurts like hell for the first few days, your body manages to self-adjust stress levels and push enough serotonin and oxytocin to calm you down. Just like after a complicated surgery, the first moments after finding out you’ve been cheated are critical.


Even if it may seem hardly possible, try to be rational. Don’t give in to anger or pain – avoid taking any kind of action, no matter how appropriate it may seem. There will be a time to get a calculated revenge.

Avoid alcohol and drugs – go lumberjacking

Indeed, alcohol numbs the pain on the short term, but it will really mess up your health on the long term. Combine your current state of mind with a morning hangover and you get a dreadful cocktail. Concentrate on something physical instead – go to the gym and hit the heavy bag, or chop some wood.


You will eventually get tired, feel better and get better. Working out is the first step towards a healthier life, without the influence of the cheater. From this point on, it’s all about creating a better self – just to prove you can live again after being cheated.


Once you’ve successfully gone through the initial shock phase and your body starts adjusting stress levels, it is time to focus and think about what happened. Take a piece of paper and a pen, and start writing all the pros and cons of leaving behind the life you had with the cheater. If you get too emotional, go back to chopping wood – your shock phase isn’t over.


Usually, as you start laying down words, ideas become clearer and the fog starts to fade away. Once you’ve written enough advantages, start creating goals. Compile a list of what you want to achieve in the near future, then create a plan. Stick to the plan!

Quick relationships will bounce – socialize instead

Although it’s being said that a nail removes another nail, getting involved into a relationship right after breaking up from a cheater just won’t work. Since your body and mind are still adjusting, you are very likely to just bounce back and hurt someone else, even though not on purpose. It takes time to be able to become mentally available for a new relationship. Instead, just go out and talk to people.


Attending various events and generally speaking to people, getting involved in new activities, trying out new foods – all these will provide a positive impact over your mental health and will help you rewire your brain towards positiveness. You will know when you will be ready to start a new relationship with the right person.

Good luck!
