There are few expressions of the digital rendered art that can get anywhere close to the fine and delicate touch of photography. Capturing the best angle, getting the proper light and weather conditions, getting the best smile from a model, the best sunset on a beach, the best camera settings; each and every one of these elements contribute to a better picture while the absence of any will result in something you would never hang on the wall.

Black and white photography has its own distinct air of classic art. There are details and expressions which would never be captured on color film. This is why Leica M Monochrom digital camera is built specifically for black and white photos. The main characteristic of the Leica M is definitely its instant response. Featuring a 2GB memory buffer, it is no longer required to wait until the camera is ready to shoot and maybe lose that unique frame.


Having a monochrome sensor, the photographer no longer needs to calculate luminance values using interpolation or apply color filters. Such a feature allows for sharp photos to be taken even in low light conditions. Merging another set of new developed technologies, the Leica M Monochrome camera allows for Live View and new focussing methods.

R-adapters, hand grips, finger loops and soft release buttons are all available for the M model, allowing the user to customize the camera and get better handling or wider / sharper angles when taking photos. Also, light can be enhanced using either a high-end professional flash or a compact flash, that’s easier to carry.
