
The Klos Carbon Fiber Guitars 2.0

What’s the most awesome thing about a guitar? How easily you can impress any audience, especially when comprised of ladies. What’s the most nuisance thing about a guitar? Having to carry it around. Now, the Klos Carbon Fiber Guitars are here to spare us of the latter, with their travel free models. They’re a thing of beauty. But why do we call them that?

Well, first of all, it’s the simple way you can have them assembled and disassembled. Yep, you read that good. Using a screwdriver you can have the two main parts detached and on the go. The whole process shouldn’t take too long, you’ll only need to learn how to set the strings good. This, only if you didn’t know until now.

Secondly, it’s the dimensions. When set, the guitar measures no more than 33 inches in length, 11.5 inches in width, with the body at 15 inches. Also, the last but most definitely not the least is the material used to build them. Carbon fiber and wood spells resilience. There’s already videos on the internet with people using them to baseball or paddling. In less words, they are professional made.

The first generation of Klos guitars is already a reality, after their first Kickstarter project was launched and released. So I don’t see any reason why this shouldn’t follow the same trend. It’s an improved model, with better specifications and attention to details. If you’re looking for the perfect present to your son, you have it. If you’re looking for your first guitar, you have it. If you’re looking for the guitar you’ll never forget, you have it.

