We probably all started small when it comes to keys. One from the front door, another from the car, and maybe one from the whiskey stash you wish your wife wouldn’t know about. At this point, a keyring is pretty easy to manage, even easy to misplace, causing you to check all your pockets twice before finding it. Still, as you add a locker room key, one for the entrance at your company, maybe one for the safe deposit box at the bank, your keyring becomes bulky and difficult to fit anywhere.

Keysmart replaces your keychain

By providing a new, innovative way to store keys, Keysmart key organizer reduces the necessary space to store keys by over 50%. With an „S” design, Keysmart is able to hold together as much as 14 keys while occupying just half the space a keyring would otherwise require to store the same amount.

Keysmart Key Organizer

Lightweight but heavy duty

A regular problem with standard keyrings is that at some point, the ring wears off and start degrading in terms of functionality and aesthetics. To avoid this issue, Keysmart uses a titanium frame and a steel milled hardware. This combination keeps Keysmart light but ensures high endurance to any kind of damage.

Keysmart Key Organizer

Keysmart Key Organizer

Fits most keys

Looking at my key set holding 8 pieces, I notice only two are roughly the same size. The rest are as diverse in length and width as it gets. Thankfully, Keysmart offers enough space to hold all of them, and pretty much all usual key sizes and forms. The best part is, they won’t dangle around like when sitting inside a box. To fit even better with your needs, Keysmart also comes with a loop where you can latch your car fob.


Keysmart Key Holder


