[adsense300gray]]Let’s say hello to another cool gadget that combines practicality and a brilliant use of space: the Keyport Slide 2.0.

If you’re sick and tired of having a bulky chain for holding your keys, this tiny piece of work should be the perfect solution, as it wipes out the stress of permanently carrying a dingling, heavy and annoying keychain in your pocket, which occupies precious space and may even bother your legs or cut through your pockets.

If you have up to six keys for your home, car, mail, moto, high-security and so on, the Keyport Slide welcomes them all, having a room for each and one of them. If you have less than six keys, the available “rooms” can host an USB flash drive, bottle opener or barcode holder.

Simplistic, yet stylish, the Keyport Slide is smaller than a box of Tic-Tacs and fits comfortable in your hands and especially pockets, without threatening to rip them or bring discomfort to your legs. You won’t even know it’s there, but be careful not to lose it. Still, if you do and some kind person finds it, chances are you’re going to get it back, as Keyport Slide also features a smart Lost and Found program.
