The things that inconvenience people nowadays happens to be the small ones. Humans can easily get from place to place and easily travel to different locations around the world. So the big things are often taken care of. Now the world has turned inwards. Many are trying to end smaller issues. One of the most annoying issues? Cleaning up after ourselves. Consequently, when a product eliminates that need, people kind of go nuts over it. However, just how solid is the machine?

Juisir is the first self-cleaning juicer on the market. Its process is pretty simple. After putting the fruits and/or vegetables into the machine, it presses the juice. It does this using 8 tons of force generated by gears and a press within the machine. It does all this by simply pressing a button at the front of the machine, and only takes 90 seconds. Unfortunately, this machine isn’t quite ready yet. As even the website states, having to wait till the 11th for it to come online!

