You cherish your spouse. You live harmoniously a life. But your relationship doesn’t exist in a bubble. It can frequently be put to the test by external pressures, such as intervention from immediate or extended relatives. No matter how much you love each other, how you handle those family-related situations will either build or destroy your relationship.

Because every family has a different set of rules, navigating family matters as a couple may be challenging. When you grow up in a family, it’s simple to think that your rules are usual. But many families have unnaturally strict standards that lead to conflict between partners.

Partners typically find it simpler to see what is occurring in a family that is not directly their own. Although their observations are not always accurate, they frequently include a lot of truth.

This will lead to a disagreement or conflict within the romantic relationship for many men, especially guys who either don’t notice (or don’t want to see) what’s happening in their family. This will further distract them from the problematic dynamics in the family of origin.

It’s possible that you’re in the opposite situation, where your partner is pressuring you to abide by dysfunctional family norms without objecting. Regardless of your particular circumstance, the following methods can help you protect your relationship against family conflict.

Give attention to your feelings over the circumstance. When your partner’s family causes conflict in your relationship, it can be simpler to do this. When your own family is causing difficulties, things may get complex.

What family members do and how they respond is out of your control. However, your relationship may endure familial conflict and continue to thrive if you and your spouse remain committed to improving the situation and upholding your limits.

Some marriages will fail. Some people will continue despite the fact that one or both spouses are suffering a great deal. And some people will advance as a result of their extensive use of change, awareness, and open-mindedness.
