[adsense300gray]If you’re the kind of person who loves to sleep among the stars or you just love astronomy, these Galaxy Beddings are a match made in heaven. Designed by a dude named Jail Betray (a weird choice of words for a name but who am I to judge), all these sheets come with a cool real life-galaxy imprint . So you can always say that you’re going to sleep tonight in, I don’t know, the Andromeda Nebula or something and you’ll be actually telling the truth.

There are 9 types of designs to choose from and every galaxy bedding will contain a duvet cover, 2 pillow cases and a bed sheet. Obviously, all of them featuring the cool galaxy imprint. Oh, and I almost forgot : all the imprints are high-tech made, in HD resolution or something, because if you’ll take a look at the pics you’ll observe that they look pretty awesome. I mean, it’s like watching National Geographic or something.

Galaxy Beddings

Galaxy Beddings 2

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Galaxy Beddings
