
This is the Original Friday Inspiration series – amazing things that we handpicked to inspire you to greatness. You have a full weekend ahead, so use it wisely and don’t waste your days of rest on resting!

So here’s #50! Nothing special in this edition because every edition’s special in its own way. If this managed to get you closer to the nature, made you more adventurous or inspired you, we’re happy, I know we experienced all the above. So keep on conquering that steep mountain trail, climb that wave, ride that bike to nowhere and enjoy yourself!

Here’s to all you beautiful, talented people taking awesome photos, this one is for you!

Have an amazing weekend and stay classy, stay curious, stay smart!



PS: If you have any questions regarding the photos used, drop us a comment and we’ll let you know the whats and hows of it all. Also, as always, you’ll find the beautiful women from the main photo on our facebook page.

PPS: If you want to share your awesome photos, you can reach us here
