[adsense300gray]If you think you’ve seen them all, well, think again, because you’re pretty far from it. Just take a look at this funny looking Smeg refrigerator. Okay, and what about that weird design, resembling a cheap italian car from the 50’s ? Well, that’s the whole idea. If you’re into Italian cheap cars, why don’t you buy a refrigerator that looks like a vintage Fiat 500? At least that’s the concept. So, welcome Smeg, the little refrigerator that could. Have no fear, Smeg is a very efficient,  energy class A appliance, and it comes in either white, red or green color. If you decide to buy one of these, well, it’s on pre-order, so you’ll have to wait for two months. The good part is that it comes with a convertible variant. Just kidding. And also, you can ask for a turbo-charged version. Okay, I am kidding again. Thing is, I really enjoy this fellow, it has a silly looking face. If I’d own one of these, I think I’d get fat because staring at your refrigerator makes you wanna go for a „ride” inside, you know what I mean?
