It seems like cars these days are looking closer and closer to spaceships. As a result, new technologies need to be developed to help push the industry forward. Car companies struggle to keep up and often face a lot of different of criticism. So after months of struggling and facing bad press, Faraday Future has finally achieved its goal.

Faraday Future released their Flagship vehicle, and boy was it a show-stopper.This electric vehicle is packed with more up-to-date tech than you can wag a finger at. It’s supposedly armed with 10 cameras, 13 different radars, 12 sensors and a 3D LIDAR setup to help monitor all these systems.

The FF91, as the car is named, was shown off for the first time in a Las Vegas livestream. People are starting to murmur about the car, and maybe Faraday will challenge the big three in the future. However, many voice talk about the lack of funding behind Faraday. Hopefully, it won’t end up as something that might have been great, resting in a museum.
