We all get itchy eyes from time to time, and the natural response is to rub them. However, did you know that rubbing your eyes can lead to serious eye problems? In this article, we’ll look at why rubbing your eyes can lead to big trouble, and how to keep your hands off to protect your eyes from an incurable condition.

Rubbing Your Eyes Can Lead to Big Trouble

Rubbing your eyes might feel good in the moment, but it can cause serious damage over time. The skin around your eyes is delicate, and rubbing too hard can create tiny tears in the skin. These tears can become infected, leading to a painful condition called blepharitis. In severe cases, the infection can spread to the cornea and cause vision loss.

Another risk of rubbing your eyes is that it can cause a condition called keratoconus. This is a progressive eye disease that can lead to distorted vision and eventually blindness. Rubbing your eyes can weaken the cornea, making it more susceptible to this condition.

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Keep Your Hands to Yourself and Your Eyes Healthy!

Now that you know the risks of rubbing your eyes, it’s important to keep your hands off to protect your eyes. If your eyes are itchy, try using eye drops or a damp cloth to soothe the area. You can also try placing a cold compress over your eyes to reduce inflammation.

If you find yourself rubbing your eyes out of habit, try breaking the habit by keeping your hands busy with something else. You can try fidget toys, stress balls, or even knitting to keep your hands occupied.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to protecting your eyes. By keeping your hands off, you can avoid the risk of serious eye problems and keep your eyes healthy for years to come.

In conclusion, rubbing your eyes might feel good in the moment, but it can cause serious damage over time. By keeping your hands off and finding alternative ways to soothe your eyes, you can protect your eyes from serious eye conditions. So, keep your hands to yourself and your eyes healthy!

Source: LadBible
