[adsense300gray]If you think that sacrificing floor space is the only way you’ll ever be able to greenify your home or office, you’re wrong. Thanks to the Boskke Sky Planter, an unique way of storing your greens, your room will become a real jungle. Collect all of them and decorate your ceiling with plants! We promise the air will be fresher and your lungs happier. Not to mention that its unique reservoir feeds water gradually to the plant’s roots, with no excess water to drain away and inevitably land on your head. Increase your well-being by just looking up and imagining you’re in the middle of nature. Think of this as a refurbishing of your ceiling – but instead of hanging paintings, you’re hanging potted plants.

You can even grow herbs to use in the kitchen. Just place them over your worktable and reach up to harvest fresh mint or parsley.


sky planter
