Warning: the old ‘I can’t afford taking her anywhere nice, so we’ll just continue with our routine, order a pizza and watch a movie instead yet again’ is no longer applicable once you’ve read this article.

So you’ve been dating for a while. She’s great – she’s everything you’ve ever hoped for and understands your twisted sense of humor. You can spend hours in bed – ahem – talking about anything. She likes her fries with ice-cream too and you’ve already watched the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, the extended version, twice. But something feels different. With the added comfort you two feel when together you lose a crucial thing: the excitement of novelty. Remember when you used to go out a lot? Remember when every date was different from the others? You can totally get that feeling back again by using one (or more) idea from the following:

The one-week-break

If you feel stuck in a rut, just take a one week breather. No talking, no seeing each other, no – and I’m dead serious about this one – self-pleasuring. This way, when you’ll see each other after seven days of independent activity, you’ll not only get the urge to savagely ravish the other person, but you’ll also have interesting conversation topics for the after-savage-ravishing coffee.

The big change

Talk to your girlfriend and decide to each change one thing about your appearance. Don’t tell the other what it is, just do it and surprise them with the new you. The excitement of novelty will make your heart beat as fast as it did on your first date.

Pretend you’ve just met

Spend an entire day acting as if you don’t know anything about each other. Plan to ‘accidentally’ meet in a bar, casually buy her a drink then let your acting skills shine while wooing your ‘new’ conquest.

Whether you’ve been in this relationship for a few months or a few years, a change of perspective and a fresh outlook is always welcome. Good luck!
