The idea of small containers all over one’s house isn’t old, nor is it unused – we bet you have masses of cups, jars, boxes and other recipient-type-things on your desk/floor/bed/closets. But you haven’t even begun to use your walls yet. Sure, installing shelves is all fine and dandy, but even those shelves end up housing a population of storage cups. Here is where Cuppo comes in, to save you from overcrowding your precious shelves with nick-knacks (because, let’s face it, they are meant for books.) and to add a bit of panache to any office or room.

You can also be fairly sure that you’ll now be able to find exactly what you were looking for without rummaging through heaps of stuff, since Cuppo also acts as a display for your expensive watch and silver-plated paperclips. You’re fancy, we know. Now show it off.

