Spotter is a gadget that can be best described as your own, personal Big Brother, without the creepy part. What Spotter does is taking care of your home when you’re away, as simple as that. Using smart technology, this little gadget is capable of monitoring everything on your premises, like sound, light, motion, temperature, humidity, and everything on the tip of your fingers, from your mobile device. The possibilities offered by using this are basically endless.

Because it uses your smartphone to monitor everything in and around the house, this electronic buddy is very easy to use and it will be a real help when it comes to your daily chores. It was invented by a Canadian guy named Danny Fong, after he became father and It proved to be a real help around the household. Spotter  works with both Android and iOS smartphones, using wireless and a dedicated app. For just $49.99, this baby can be yours, just give it a shot and let this digital watchdog change your life for the better.

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