I think that nearly every boy out there has at least once thought about having his own airplane. Some „cool guys” are now doing it for a living (makes me tear up a bit) and some are still trying to make it happen.

Today, we’ll be taking a closer look at the Cobalt Valkyrie-X, a luxury private plane. It is one of the fastest piston-powered airplanes in the world. The 350-horsepower engine moving the propeller gives this beast enough power to fly 3 passengers and a pilot at the speed of 230 miles per hour for about 1,200 ground miles.

In order to achieve these amazing specs Cobalt had to use the best materials they had available at the time. The main structure of the plane is made from a lightweight, high-performance carbon composite and the landing gear is built using stainless steel and some alloys of aluminum.

The interior is even better, featuring hand-stitched leather seats and a lot of storage space for whatever you would like to haul around in your $1,500,000 plane. There is even enough space to take your skis with you! The large, one-piece canopy will provide breathtaking landscapes for the passengers and good visibility for the pilot. You can also pilot it yourself, if you have a valid license.

The plane is 100% built in California and its design is inspired from a fighter jet. The two-rudder (F-14 much?) configuration is clearly a proof of that. Speaking of rudders, a full glass cockpit takes care of the flight controls, making the plane safer and more efficient than other planes.

The Valkyrie-X comes in three colors: gray, black and rose. The last one is not for me. Elton John might like it, tho.

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