Say hello to 360 Fly, the lifestyle cam that will make you a modern-day Francis Ford Coppola. If you never heard about the dude, don’t worry, the better for you, you’ll not become intimidated by such illustrious predecessors… Anyway, the 360 Fly is an eye in the sky, basically a bird’s eye cam with a 360 degrees horizontal angle and 240 degrees vertical angle that can be mounted on your head, for example, and transform you into some weird version of Sauron. You can wear it on the street and be as creepy as it gets, or on your bike, for those uber-cool Youtube movies (you’ll impress your girlfriends, that’s for sure). For more practical uses, you can record your children’s first steps or maybe your cats fornicating. The possibilities are endless. A cute addition to the 360 Fly is that it’s Android and iOS compatible, so you’ll be able to instantly share your meaningless experiences via your smartphone in a blink of an eye. Facebook is there for you 24/7, remember that!

