Light your room with the latest aluminum tree mimic chandelier, in my opinion, a piece of inspiring craftwork coming out from the need of understanding the balance between our modern westernized civilization and the wave calling for a return back to basic principles of living. It is said that for a man to fulfill his meaning on Earth, he must have a kid, build a house and plant a tree. Well, the tree side of this triangle is covered by the guys at Keha3, a design management company from Estonia.


The lighter resembles the shape of a tree’s boughs, using aluminum tubes that fit as a whole leaving you the liberty to customize their arrangement. By manipulating each branch of the chandelier, the user’s imagination can add value to the product, turning it from a simple, lifeless piece of metal, to a flourishing and innovative work of creation. The standard chandelier model is 9/5/14-element option, illuminated via dimable LEDs, but it is possible for you to attain custom models with a maximum of 28 elements. What makes it really special to me it’s this unique simplicity, the one time occurrence of each presentation. I can see it fit anywhere in a modern man’s life. It is suited for the living room, as a strong message of equilibrium in your life, in the bedroom, as a display of multilaterlaism or the office, representing the capacity you got to disobey the rules of conformism and monotony. It is a recommendation for anyone looking to enlight their lives, for those alawys prepared to make the next step forward as a leap, never accepting compromise.

Don’t take my words for what they are, I dare you to go ahead and make what you want out of them, put a little perspective, so you will see that in the end, this unique model will make its way on your future „things-I-need” list.
