When it come to concept cars shown and various auto shows, we are most of the time welcomed with futuristic designs and maybe newer engine technologies. However, it is rare event to see an actual spaceship; a car that doesn’t fit into any category currently available. It’s the case of BMW 100 years celebration model, which comes with wheels molded into chassis and next-gen self driving technology.

BMW Vision Next 100 Concept

The car of year 2116

Or at least, that is how the German automaker is advertising the concept. The main eye-catching feature is that, instead of choosing a full self-driving environment, BMW envisions a future where the driver can choose between handling the vehicle on his own or simply ordering it to arrive at a destination. It’s definitely a pleasant aspect to see, since nowadays all automakers are solely targeting self-driving technologies.



Alive Geometry

That is the name of the steering technology used by the Vision 100 concept. Using more than 800 triangles scattered around the dashboard and various parts of the side panels, Alive Geometry allows otherwise static components to move and provide signals for the driver. It is also responsible for allowing the wheels to steer, increasing fender space.


Clean on the inside

As the renders show, the inside of the car features a minimalistic approach, maximizing available space for occupants to move freely. Doors open in a dramatic, over-the-top manner, making it less awkward to get out of the car. The square shaped steering wheel retracts into an almost seamless case when the Ease mode (self-driving) is enabled, and extends when Boost mode (manual driving) is selected.


Before jumping out of the seat arguing this isn’t ever going to become an actual product, you should check the video below, showing off the Vision 100 concept running and boasting part of its capabilities. Good job, BMW.
