Making a perfect cup of coffee is an art and a process. All the way from the beans traveling half the way across the world to the coffee ending up in your morning cup. Everybody wants their coffee as fresh as possible and considering that ground coffee loses its freshness even faster than a bean a solution was needed. This is where the Blue Bottle coffee comes in. Their coffee is regularly ground and sealed in airtight bags, Once you open it the smell of the coffee is almost the same as if you just ground it yourself.

Their slogan is “Taste like it was ground moments ago” and it was perfectly chosen because this is what makes this product stand out among the rest on the market right now. The “Blue Bottle” gets it’s name from the first ever coffee shop in Europe that opened in Vienna, late 1600.

The airtight pouches of coffee can stay sealed and fresh for full six months. Before they seal the coffee it is tested multiple times to make sure it is the best grind possible. It is then up to you to choose the brew method you prefer and the coffee blend you like. You can take your pick between Bella Donovan, Decaf Noir, Giant Steps, and Three Africans. When it comes to brewing methods the Blue Bottle coffee is available for available for Pour Over, French Press, Coffee Maker, and AeroPress.

In case you are confused by all these brewing methods you can visit their website and learn more about them and how to make your perfect cup of coffee at home. They have wonderful tutorials and you can expand your knowledge on coffee with ease.

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