Why would anyone carry a screwdriver around at all times? What if you could use it to open beer caps, among other stuff? I bet that would change your mind. The Bit Bar is a pocket friendly screwdriver. It features 8 quarter inch hex bits made from aircraft grade titanium. The process of CNC-ing solid blocks of titanium into hex bits takes time and effort, but the result is worth it as bits are basically forever lasting.

Furthermore, the 8 bits are enclosed in a case made either of nylon polymer or titanium. The case is available in two colorways, depending on your preference. I personally enjoy the fact that Bit Bar doesn’t employ some dumb proprietary bit size. Basically, you can personalize your bit selection, since the case features the standard 1/4″ size.

Optionally, you can add a custom ratched that can be carried around easily. The ratchet is custom made since there aren’t any models available that fit a quarter inch bit. However, it is light and easy to store. The ratchet can be angled in 3 positions (90, 45 and 180 degrees).

Finally, did I just say beer caps popper? Just remove a few bits from the middle of the holder and get those bottle ready. Cheers!

Support the Bit Bar on Kickstarter ($55).

