Indie, meaning independent, is become the trend this 2022. Less popularized and „underground” hairstyles are ironically becoming popular. So let’s get to the root of it. Which are the best indie hairstyles for men?

Keep on reading to see trending indie hairstyles and what celebrities wore them. And why you should hop on the trend wagon ASAP.

When were indie hairstyles most popular?

They were almost always around! In the 80s and 90s alternative people, bands, and underground artists always wore more indie-inspired looks and hair. Less common and more ” out of the norm” which made these hairstyles so unique. Nowadays all the indie craze is coming back.


Plus with the music indie genre also arising the hairstyle is wanted more than ever. It makes you look fresh, young, creative, and artistic.

Male celebrities with Indie cuts

Conan Gray

The famous Singer, Conan Gray, has a free-spirited style. With his medium-lengthed hair that is middle-parted, his style truly symbolizes his music. He also often curls his hair making it look a little messy and free which is the whole point of this hairstyle.

Harry Styles

Former band member and now singer, Harry Styles, always wears his wavy hair proudly. Leaving it a little wild and always styled by the wind. Harry has a lot of inspiration from old-styled British cuts.

Dylan Minnette

Singer and actor, Dylan Minnette, was the main character in the famous TV show 13 Reasons Why. His off-screen look gives a very 80s punk look. With his short messy dyed hair, you can clearly see where he got his inspiration from.

Best Picks

Now that we have given you a brief history lesson and examples let’s feature our best picks for the Indie Haircuts.

Loose Curls

The loose curls look can be achieved easily if you have naturally curly hair. Having it longer than the usual men’s cut and using curl oils after showering is essential. If you lack natural curls, getting a perm is an option.

Dyed crazeDyed hair indie

Dying your hair is common in men nowadays. But having it in different crazy colors is even better. Choose something you can easily wear with your day-to-day outfit choice and you are good to go.

British Bowl cut

Artist: Oliver Tree

Very popular back in the days, the bowl-cut is making a reappearance. This old and odd hairstyle is now a retro fashion look. With an aesthetic wardrobe from the 80s, you could get this look too.

Short and free

The short and free hairstyle describes itself. A messy wild haircut with hair falling right above the ears. Easy to style and very chic as well.

I hope we helped you find your favorite hairstyle. Whether you are a hipster, artist, rocker, or even a fancy gentleman anyone can wear these hairstyles. It falls under a big category of haircuts and styles, so no matter your outfit one of these haircuts will definitely fit your vibe. Bringing back trends is always a repeating phenomenon so nothing is ever out of style! Enjoy your new aesthetic indie hairstyle.

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