Attention, all Bali-bound tourists! The Indonesian island of Bali recently announced new rules that prohibit tourists from renting scooters. While this may seem like an inconvenience, the decision is part of Bali’s sustainable tourism initiative aimed at reducing traffic congestion and increasing safety for locals and visitors alike. But fear not, there are still plenty of ways to explore Bali and experience its beauty without relying on motorized transportation.

Bali’s New Rule: Say Goodbye to Scooter Rentals

As of July 2019, Bali will no longer allow tourists to rent scooters during their stay. This decision was made in response to the alarming number of accidents caused by inexperienced tourists on the island’s busy roads. The move aims to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities, while also decreasing traffic congestion and pollution. Officials recommend that visitors opt for more eco-friendly, and safer, modes of transportation such as bicycles, car rentals, and guided tours. Although it may take some getting used to, visitors will soon discover the joy of exploring Bali at a slower pace.

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Sustainable Tourism in Bali: A Brighter Future

Bali’s new scooter rental ban is just one of the many initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable tourism on the island. The Balinese government has also implemented several eco-friendly policies aimed at protecting the island’s natural beauty, such as a ban on single-use plastics and the promotion of eco-friendly accommodations. By reducing the number of motorized vehicles on the roads, Bali hopes to improve air quality and encourage visitors to explore the island in a more sustainable and responsible manner.

Explore Bali on Foot: The Joy of Slow Travel

While the ban on scooter rentals may seem like a hassle, it presents a unique opportunity to experience Bali in a new light. By slowing down and opting for more eco-friendly modes of transportation, visitors can truly immerse themselves in the island’s culture and natural beauty. Bali is home to an abundance of hiking trails, rice paddies, and hidden waterfalls waiting to be discovered. By exploring these hidden gems on foot, visitors can experience Bali in a more intimate and authentic way, all while reducing their carbon footprint and supporting sustainable tourism.

In conclusion, Bali’s new rule may seem daunting at first, but it presents an opportunity to experience the island in a more authentic and sustainable way. By trading in scooters for bicycles and guided tours, visitors can explore Bali’s hidden gems at a slower pace, all while reducing traffic congestion and promoting eco-friendly travel. So, get ready to embrace the joy of slow travel and experience Bali in a whole new way!

Source: LadBible
