[adsense300gray]Aston Martin has 2015 covered with these two special edition beasts – the DB9 White and Black Carbon. Starting from their logo, body styling and all the way to the interior design, Astons have always been the perfect combination of style and power. They’ll come equipped with Bang & Olufsen sound system, for when you’re tired (never!) of the 517 horse power V12 engine’s sound.

“The classic DB9 Carbon Black and daring DB9 Carbon White special editions give this timeless GT a fresh and highly desirable new appearance. Meanwhile, the exciting details that define N430 should leave no one in any doubt about the car’s motorsport roots. Bold graphic treatments and the option of vivid colour combinations conjure up clear visual echoes of the race circuit.” Aston Martin Design Director Marek Reichman explained

Check out the video after the photo gallery!

