Virtual Reality is such an engaging experience. Feeling ourselves inside the game or a movie gives us a wider range of emotions. But what about not only seeing but also touching the VR?

TGO team has created etee, the button-free controller which makes your VR experiences even more realistic. etee is based on tactile-control technology and allows you to touch, squeeze, kick, push your way into your favorite VR games.
etee rejects buttons, it is not heavy and you do not need to hold it during the whole game. It’s rather worn like gloves and gives a hand-free gaming pleasure!

etee allows making as many hand gestures as one can make in real life. How? etee works based on the movements of your hands and fingers and is not limited to some pre-programmed motions. Tactile-control mechanics react to every finger movement, even the slightest ones. Then, this all is translated to your VR screen.
etee is not only a joy but also an advanced business tool. With a 6-hour continuous usage opportunity and 14-hour standby, you may organize your company presentation during a trade-fair or organize a cool team training
Furthermore, the etee team is intensively working towards creating a fully integrated Steam VR tracking. This will allow etee to connect to a great number of Steam VR apps and games.
The main software is nearly ready and you can get the final product launch day closer by getting etee Dev Kit on Kickstarter for £129 now.
Let me add that you can order your etee at any color you want. As they say, nothing is impossible.