Phone, charger, AirPods, cables.. how many essentials do you bring along every day? Let me guess: your working desk is often messy because of all that stuff!
Orbitkey captured your concern. A wet dream for comfort and organization lovers, Orbitkey Nest is already on the way!
Luxuriously designed, comfy desk organizer.

It looks compact, yet you can fit at least twice as much as you imagine. The perfect addition? A wireless charger on the upper left side.
The 120mm x 240mm Nest will free your whole working desk. With 6 movable dividers, you choose how you use your space. Regardless of how you arrange the place, dividers keep your stuff tight and secure from damage.
It’s not just comfortable; Orbitkey Nest looks and feels nice to the touch! This is thanks to the minimalistic design and fine materials. You enjoy a classy look with an even more pleasant leather touch.
Be calm and confident that the things you need are always organized and accessible. No chance that you forget an important item on your table. Just take your Orbitkey Nest along and move to the conference room.
Obviously, in your busy days, Orbitkey Nest is the most practical $90 purchase! Support the project on Indiegogo to get your own.