Is it even possible to find two people with exact same taste in coffee? Probably not. Everybody has their pick when it comes to choosing, grinding and brewing coffee. Fortunately, Niche Zero promises to grind each bean to your exact specs.

In most cases, coffee beans maintain their highest quality for a day while being sealed in bags. However, once ground, you’ve got meere minutes to turn the powder into liquid before the taste starts dwindling.
Wait too long and you will only get a bitter drink. Add in the fact that most coffee machines keep the residue of soured coffee beans for a while, each new ground bach will take over the stale properties.
No more residue

Niche Zero overcomes the issue by ensuring everything leaves the grinder along with the ground beans. This way, there is no residue left to contaminate the next batch of coffee.
A knob on the grinder allows you to fine tune the grind size while 63mm burrs ensure a really quiet grind. After all, the last thing you want in the morning is a loud noise to aid your grogginess.

The Niche Zero grinder is available on IndieGoGo for $640 and shipping starts now.