As time goes by…

Humans is the only species living on this planet, surrounded by this beautiful nature we share with others, which account for the time they spend under the sun. We count how much we spend in school, at work, sleeping or how much time we need to arrive at point B after leaving A. Time is an inevitable dimension not for our society but for our ecosystem, it is the most delicate and sensible brick that lays at the foundation of our pathway to eternity, thus making us even more vulnerable in front of the certainties we battle throughout life. It is by no means a simple subject, but trying to understand the real meaning of time passing by should be a constant preoccupation for the modern man. It is like this that strong ideas show up in our minds, like it did to creators of this poetic and refined object, a clock by Studio Ayaskan which holds a very clever and neat concept of how interpretation of time passing should be made.

They imagined it as indefinite, as a never ending cycle, passing through circles (I know, as any other clock) using what the ancient man used in order to measure it: sand. Inspired by Zen Gardens, it’s working as the visual representation of building and erasing of time, just to let it replicate all alone. It’s all happening by the gradual formation and fattening of a ripple pattern over a period of twelve hour cycles.

Imagine perfection

You know when someone says „only time can tell” they say it because time is perfect. Time doesn’t lie, you can’t fight against it as you can’t prove anything to it. This is the real symbol I get from watching this timepiece spin. It’s a great addition for any home, office, but the real place it will remain is stuck on your retina. Understand its message and appreciate more everything you have in your life daily.

An infographic about the way it’s supposed to work.
