Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have clothes grow up the same we do? Yeah, probably I wouldn’t want to wear my baby outfit at my wedding anyways. However, plants don’t seem to mind at all. As long as the pot they’re placed in is able to fit their roots, it is perfectly fine. GROWTH uses an inovative design,  synchronizing to the natural growth process of plants, expanding in size as the living organism inside increases in size.


Ayaskan, a London-based studio is the one providing the secheme of this adapting pot. According to its designers, having to move a plant from a smaller pot to larger sized ones is something time consuming and, even more important, it generates unnecessary waste. This way, using a single pot to accommodate the plant since the seed is planted to full maturity, the waste is reduced and, for the record, it also looks great. Still, how does this work? GROWTH is designed using origami-like shapes, allowing it to expand in size once the roots of the plant push the inner walls of the pot.

It must be admitted that GROWTH actually stands up for the idea of natural and sustainable environment, not only by reducing waste but by proving that things can adapt to changing environment instead of being replaced. While right now there is no actual release date for the product in cause, as designers are still negotiating terms with manufacturing companies, it is worth keeping an eye out for a release later this year.
