
This is the Original Friday Inspiration series – amazing things that we handpicked to inspire you to greatness. You have a full weekend ahead, so use it wisely – don’t waste your days of rest on resting! You don’t need to do big things. In fact, let’s talk about the little things. There are lots of situations in which a small change has a surprisingly large impact. So if you have a plan you can’t follow (gain/lose weight, build muscle, become rich etc.), just take a very small step towards that and keep repeating it. For example, if you are trying to exercise more and take the bus to work, you might decide to simply get off one stop earlier than usual and walk the rest of the way. That’s peanuts, right? So remember this: small changes, large effect.

Now that you’re good to go with the plan, apply the same formula with the one(s) you love. A flower, a chocolate, a note thrown in her purse or something made/built by you – these things will go a long way, and if you do them once in a while, you will be the center of the universe for her. Small gifts every now and then will win her over rare expensive ones. Do try this at home!

If you have any questions regarding the photos used, drop us a comment and we’ll let you know the whats and hows of it all. Also, as always, you’ll find the beautiful women from the main photo on our facebook page

