What most managers tend to forget about is the fact that, building a proper workspace should start from the concept of engaging and promoting interhuman connections. A great environment for workers to interact and feel comfortable not only increases the overall state of mind in the office lobby, but also enhances productivity on the long term. Solutions to improve workspaces are all around, but Everbright brings something new in the equation.


As simplistic as it looks, Everbright is able to make different departaments come together while having lunch or a regular break. It works like a giant toy for adults, with up to 464 dials that can be turned to display one of all the colors of the rainbow. It allows users to develop their creativity and develop different designs, while socializing with other co-workers; no more awkward happy hours, and no beer required to forge long lasting connections. Everbright is designed to help users in difficult problem solving; when they turn the dials and concentrating on the colors and design, the unconscious part of the brain can freely work on the difficult task at hand, in the background.

Everbright comes in two main sizes: either 46×46 inches for the „Highly Concentrated” version, or 46×93 inches for „Classic Creativity” and „Exponentially Awesome” versions. No removable parts are to be found in the Everbright; also, the system can be fit on any wall, as long as it provides sufficient free space. The „Highly Concentrated” version features the lowest price ($14,000) and 232 color dials. The price and the number of dials increases for the other two versions: $25,000 and 464 dials for „Classic Creativity” and $50,000 and 928 color dials for the „Exponentially Awesome” version.
