Do you have a heavy interest in robotics, or even learning robotics? Are you seeking for an avenue into robotics without spending hours trying to learn coding? Do you want to see first hand about the fascination of robotics without spending hours of time learning engineering, spending a ton of money on school or parts?

If so, The CellRobot Team just solved your conundrum. Their product, The CellRobot is built in such a way that it gives everyone the chance to be a robotic academic. Because their product is so simplistic, they’ve already gotten a lot of coverage and reviews. However, simplistic in this case doesn’t mean bad, it means ingenious. If you’d like to dip your toes in the water first, their kickstarter campaign has an option for that. Each set is run by a „heart”, which means the lithium ion battery that operates the designs. The cells are built in such a way that connecting them is very simple, and have the ability to move in a series of complex ways.

The wheels are large, and simple enough, the CellRobot is built entirely on convenience. With cameras and mounts that are connectable as well, this company has thought of so much for such a little design. Also, the true secret comes from its community attached app on smartphones. You can find tons of designs that the company has developed, along with tutorials on how to build them. Switching into community mode then gives you the ability to post your designs and gain ideas from tons of independent robotic enthusiasts!

Robots can be crazy convoluted! CellRobot wants to make things easy and fun! What more can you ask for?

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